There is something wrong with our politics

Obama declared on 11, Aug 2011: “There is nothing wrong with our country. There is something wrong with our politics.” He did the same thing like he did in last president campaign — seeking supporters by attacking other politicians. Again his speech always contains empty talks.
He said: “There is nothing wrong with our country.” Yes his is right but we don’t need him to tell us for that. There are never faults done by a country. In some points a country’s name is just a name. A name cannot do anything wrong. Only the politicians who control the country might do things wrong. There for the first part of his speech is a empty talk.

“There is something wrong with our politics. “ This is a tough and right statement that are not politicians usually made. He is good to point that out. However it looks like , as a leader of those politicians, he tried to get rid of his own responsibility by accusing the others. Before creating anger in the public he should know what he has done first. He was right to increase tax for the rich people. However he was so weak that proposed things in a bad time. He was wrong on refusing to cut government budgets. He also did wrong on wasting money and creating no jobs.

He continued little Bush’s tax cut policy for the rich and reduced 900 billion dollars tax income for the government. He did that only for postponing government’s unemployment payments to 99 weeks. He supported Union when state governments wanted to cut the expenses. He thought representing the Americans means fighting for the poorest people and the poorest people are those taking SSI or Medicaid people. He wouldn’t make a bit of budget cut for those related fields even though costs are indecently.
For example, nursing homes accept low come people and make the government pay 15,000 dollars for one person each month. We forget that people are not deserved high class service if they don’t have money. People are not appreciated even though government paying thirty, forty thousand dollars medical bills per year for them. Those so call poor people simply don’t want government set any ceiling for medical bills meanwhile many taxpayers never have government pay for their medical spendings. Doctors make patients check up for every a few days and charge to the government. A old lady lives with her three retired children yet she requests 24 hours home care service that cost government 70,000 dollars per year. For thirty years that person enjoys U.S governments’ benefit but never pays one penny tax. Obama refuse to cut that kind of spending when the government out of budget. He believes he doing that for protecting public’s benefits.
How Obama create jobs. Forget about what he has done. In 11, August I heard that he will give out 3 million dollars fund to increase for 150 jobs. He promises that more that kind of jobs is coming. He doesn’t care how will the company spends the money and how much is the business return for that. He has no concept about investment return. He promises to spending fund to fix highway and considers that is investment. It is obvious that cars run in better highways bring in almost no extra profit. All Obama did is to spend money and hire people. He doesn’t care how long he can provide the fund and how long the job positions will last.

Yes! It is something wrong with our polities. The Republicans are protecting the rich. Obama is protecting the poor. Nobody is protecting the Americans. Obama could not make his good proposal passed and keep those bad proposals running. That is how things happen in our political world.

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