The wind is blowing and the mountain is not moved

What the picture is! What can wind do in front of a mountain? “The wind is blowing and the mountain is not moved” is a title of an official comment in the most important Chinese Newspaper, People’s daily. The article discussed the relationship between China and Japan after a Chinese captain was released by Japanese government.

By seeing the title my first thinking was that the wind must mean Japan and the mountain must represent China. Japan could not shake China. When I read the details in the article I was touched. Mountain actually meant the friendship between the Chinese and Japanese. Chinese official newspaper published such an article when the Chinese were still angry about their captain was detained. It proved that the Chinese government determined to maintain peace in Asian. I then thought wind meant the Chinese disfavor regarding Japan. Now I realized that wind also meant the disturbance from the outside world.

In the last few years China did a lot of work to united Asian countries. They hope to set up an alliance just like European did and have their own currency in Asian to substitute U.S dollar. That will seriously challenge dollars dominated position in the world. The Unite States there for involves to Asian fairs and disturbs the Chinese plan. We contact all of the countries that have border disputes with the Chinese and make that as an issue. We set the Chinese as our enemy and declare it openly that we have to protect our benefit in the Far East. We arranged military exercises again and again. We finally create crises there.

Nine years ago when U.S government changed its target and created a war in Iraq I was confused. My sister reminded me that Saddam Jose suggested oil exported countries to accept Europe currency but not U.S dollar. That is why United States had to overthrow Saddam. The picture is clearer now. Defending freedom and democracy is just an excuse. The real reason relates to economic benefit. American has to maintain dollar as a dominated national currency. What an advantage we get when we can exchange for real products with paper.

As a citizen who immigrated to this country for thirty years I hope the United States is strong. That is why I am so worried for the messes that we confront. However, having tough time doesn’t mean that we create wars to maintain dollars’ dominated position. The products we gain from the foreigners have blood we can’t let blood dye our green bills as well.

We are in a bad situation but we are not in a desperate situation. The land and resource we have for average person is more than most countries in this world. We can make a lot of changes for passing though our difficulties. Such as:

Give citizenship to foreigners who are willing to invest in this country, including investments in our real estate market. Government’s stimulate fund should use to build retirement facilities and factories facilities. Using those government own properties we can encourage early retirement and built up light industries business. We can also use the income from the property to partially substitute social security payments and solve welfare problems.

It is said 60% of government expense are used for social security, Medicare and Medicaid payments. In New York City government might pay $1,300 to rents a one bed room apartment for a mother and son. Combining their regular expense the government has to spend more than $2,000 a month for them. What makes them deserve that kind of long term free lunch? If we build some houses and factory facilities in outside of New York City we can let the mother and son live there and let either of them work there. In that way we can save lot of money and provide low cost labor for our factories as well.

We can force our business move back to this country by increasing imported taxes.
We can share government jobs and let taxpayers funds support as many as families.
We can also partially close our market. If we believe that consumption gives the energy to our economic we should keep those energies when our economic is weak. Creating conflicts in this world for maintaining dollars’ dominated position violate justice. Printing dollars violate justice. Closing our market is a legal action particular when we have no choice.

Again we still have many ways to solve our financial problems. We should not, for our benefits, destroy peace in our global. That sin is too heavy to be carried.

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