Obama’s Big Talk

A reader wanted to know more about my privacy. I can tell one thing here. I never hear Obama’s speech even though I have all these political comments in my blog. That day I turned off the T.V the same minute when I accidentally saw him talk in the Arizona Memorial meeting. I even didn’t understand why I had that kind of reaction at that moment. For clearing my thought I pull out the full text of his speech and read it. I thought it was his mentions about the little girl’s expectation gave me a bad impression. I felt that he was making another big talk. Let me quote what he said and tell you how I think here. Maybe I am wrong this time.

He said: “I want to live up to her expectations. I want our democracy to be as good as Christina imagined it. I want America to be as good as she imagined it.”
May be I am too trickily and short of imagination. In my mind Christina’s sudden passing took her chances of making hopes in her young life. A nine year old girl might have some hopes for her own self but she obviously is too young to have expectation to our democracy and to our country. Saying the other five people had those kind of wishes might make sense. It is really something that Obama put big wishes on a nine year old girl at the end and turn his speech to an empty talk.

I believe even Obama doesn’t have pictures about a better America. What is a better American? An America that pay high salary to her people; an American that has low tax rate; an America that without national debt; an America that gives people free health insurance or America that gives people jobs…..If all of them are answers we sure we cannot make it. That is why Obama simply said “they believed – they believed, and I believe that we can be better.”

“The men who tackled the gunman as he stopped to reload..” are the really hero in this picture. Obama even didn’t mention the men’s names.

The assassination had nothing to do with conflicts between parties. The murder obvious is a mental patient. May be couldn’t find a job drove him even more crazy. He had personal contact with Gabby or he might feel mad that she did not enough for the public. Obama said “What we cannot do is use this tragedy as one more occasion to turn on each other.” He was seriously off the topic. It makes me feel that we have reason to pointing fingers or assigning blame each other for this assassination we did not do it because Obama said “that we cannot do.”

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