Law of one and Lord of one

In my last two articles I mentioned a book called Law of One. Why was the book titled Law of One? It is because every time RA Material was presented he greeted the authors in the name of Law of One. He explained the meaning of law of one. Law of one is the rule of their dimension. Entities over there think as one and function as one. They don’t have wars and fights there.

In the dimension of Earth mankind are entitled to have free will. People’s different backgrounds and logical thinking result in different kinds of opinions. To work together we need to communicate with each other. We need to understand each other by putting ourselves in our counterparts’ positions. Unfortunately mankind hardly handles things this way. They try to overcome each other and extinguish each other.

“Law of one” makes me think of the faith of the Lord of one on the Earth. RA Material told us that the creator is located in Saturn. They let mankind do whatever it wants because they also have to respect the rule in the third dimension – free will. Besides they hope mankind learns from our lives and has a lesson from what we did. In the last few thousand years religious people on Earth fight each other for their faith — Lord of one. It has lost so many lives up to today. I believe maybe the person who wrote the Bible misunderstood the meaning of law of one as the Lord of one when communicated with God. It will be a big joke if that was the case.

The concept of the Lord of one is dictatorial. The old Bible stated that people who do not believe in the Lord should be killed. In their ten amendments they told people to only love those believing in the Lord. What a condition that was! It ended up that even the Lord’s believers are fighting each other. The author Don Elkins asked RA Material “Did priests represent the Creator?” The answer from RA Material was very interesting. He told us that priests “actually come to the world to learn.” “The difficulties became apparent… as they (priests) were involved not only with learning but became involved with what you would call the governmental structure”. They obviously felt despondent due to our priests’ behaviors. Our governor in the religious fields and political fields force the others to listen to them. Such a dictatorial way did create big troubles for this world. It is all because our culture and blood have the influence of Lord of One. I can’t help to think what a big difference if the message we received is Law of One but not Lord of One.

More discussions are in my book Why Life Events are Predestined and How Our Universe Originated.

One Response to “Law of one and Lord of one”

  1. I have a few question to you, write to those I do not e-mail

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