Chinese Science,Chi, Related to Quantum Mechanics

I have been discussing the greatness of Chinese culture in the last two articles. So, does Chinese culture make some contribution to science? Most people will say no because there were no scientific inventions in the modern world related to the Chinese. Chinese culture was considered superstitious even by those so-called educated Chinese.

The most important theory in Chinese culture is I-Ching. It was considered philosophy as well as science. Two important Western scientists did notice that. The founder of digital computers Gottfried Leibniz was fascinated by the I-Ching hexagrams for they correspond to the binary numbers from 0 to 111111. Leibniz developed the infinitesimal calculus independently of Isaac Newton. He invented mechanical calculators. He refined the binary number system which is at the foundation of virtually all digital computers. He concluded that mapping in I-Ching was Chinese accomplishments in the sort of philosophical mathematics he admired.

As a matter of fact at that time a priest returned from China and gave Leibniz some scientific achievement related to a Chinese astronomer and astrologer, Shiao. I have a detailed introduction about Shiao in my book ” Why Life Events are Predestined and How Our Universe Originated”.

Another I-Ching’s admirer in the Western scientific world is Neils Bohr, one of the founders of quantum mechanics. Bohr carefully designed one I-Ching Ying Yang pattern and displaced it on his coat when he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics by the Danish government. His regard to I-Ching surprised the scientific world then. People asked why he did that and he didn’t tell them the reason. Maybe because he knew people would not understand no matter how he explained it. That is I-Ching and that is the Chinese culture. It is far advanced compared with the Western traditional science and unfortunately it was considered ridiculous.

I-Ching’s Ying Yang theory believes the existence of the spirit world. Spirits cannot be detected by scientific equipment and therefore are not recognized by traditional science. In ancient China Taoists, followers of Lao Tse, knew how to create supernatural events by dealing with spirits. They could fly, pass through walls, create wind and make rain. They could make themselves die and survive again. They could transport things regardless of the geography and time frame. If we have open minds we should notice that this kind of psychic phenomena also occurred in the Western world. The difference was that the Chinese Taoist could let people have the ability through training. They knew how to communicate with spirits, entities from the other dimension, and overcome gravity.

Why do I consider the above phenomena are related to quantum mechanics. Because at those moments objects were not physically existing just like what happens in tunneling, a quantum mechanics phenomenon that had been recognized by scientists. That shows a particle runs into a wall or barrier that it cannot go through or around. instead it simply disappears and almost instantly reappears on the other side. Spirits are the entities from the world of quantum mechanics. When the ancient Chinese know how to make spirits work for them Western scientific theory still didn’t realize the existence of spirits. When the Chinese know how to predict future events by calculating Western scientists still don’t know life events are predestined and composed of chi. That is why I say Chinese science is more advanced then Western science.

Base on I-Ching’s theory we could predict events happening in our lives, people or experiences we would encounter in a particular day. The knowledge of I-Ching could also increase your luck by changing Feng Shui, being magnetized around your houses. It is unfortunate that almost no Chinese actually master I-Ching today. I mentioning it here doesn’t mean that I know it but just because I did have chances to hear that and confirmed that. My experience was introduced in my book “ Why Life Events are Predestined and How Our Universe Originated”.

Supernatural phenomena and future prediction seem not to actually affect our lives. To give a practical meaning to the Ying Yang theory of I-Ching I have to mention Chinese medical theory.

I-Chings believe that everything has the components of Ying and Yang. The Ying portion of our physical body exists as Chi. It is like the blood and bones that can be detected by equipment. However its function did influence our health. Strong Chi can protect us from being attacked by viruses. Chinese medical theory focuses on a balance between the Ying and Yang in our bodies. Their goal is to make sure the blood and Chi is running properly inside our bodies. It will help us to clear channels and break down all the blockages that create cancers or other illnesses. They also believe that strengthening Chi for our organs such as lungs, kidneys and hearts is important.

Chinese Chi Gong meditation and Tai Ji exercise help people to strengthen their Chi and prevented illnesses. Herbs are their medicines and they have accumulated a lot of knowledge about that. Their basic principle is to maintain the Ying Yang balance for patients and let our bodies themselves fight against the viruses. Influenced by the fighting concept, Western medicine uses antibiotics to fight the viruses. Now they are worried that their antibiotics might become useless because of the existence of superviruses. They spent so much money to research the medicine and still they cannot solve the problem. If our medical field is a non-profit field we might have stronger motivation to research the Chinese medical theory. Unfortunately due to seeking profit our medical field purposely rejects Chinese medicine today. As a result our Medicare and medical costs become one of the largest parts of the U.S budget.

The concept of Ying Yang and Chi are very important in the Chinese culture. It is much more advanced than Western traditional science because it is in the level of quantum mechanics. People might think I am crazy to say that. I guess that is why Bohr kept silent when people asked him what was the meaning of the Ying Yang pattern on his coat.

One Response to “Chinese Science,Chi, Related to Quantum Mechanics”

  1. Kyanna says:

    Got it! Thanks a lot again for helping me out!

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